Dorkin’ It Up

Okay, so I said in my first-ever blog post that you’d get to know me. Well, here it is, people…I’m a dork. I’m a lot of things, of course. Dork is only one of them. I don’t say this in a negative way. I love dorks!

My daughter asked me the other day, “What are you even doing with this cutting board?” Well, friends, I was seasoning it. Who seasons a cutting board? That’s one of the instructions on the tag that makes you laugh and say, “Yeah, right. As if.”

cutting board (2)

Except I love this cutting board. Look how cool it is! Even though it’s backward in the picture, you get the idea. You can see by the dates written on the paper towel that I seasoned it every few days for a month, just like the instructions said. At the end of the month, I’d used up about two tablespoons of the wood oil that I’ll now be storing for the rest of my life.

And the best part is, I hardly cook! Don’t like it. Not good at it. Don’t care. But I do love my cutting board!

There’s probably a newer, hipper word for dork. But of course, I wouldn’t know what it is. Part of being a dork is being slightly behind the times. I just got a new phone – an iPhone, mind you – after someone laughed at my slider phone. She didn’t mean to laugh. It was just one of those things where she saw something so out of context that the laugh just burst out of her. It wasn’t her fault.

You know what made me get a digital camera? I was out with My Marine and some friends and some guy who was taking a picture of our group looked at my camera and asked incredulously, “Does this camera have film in it?”

Some of my resistance is due to a conscious effort to avoid the trap of the “newest and greatest.” And although I enjoy being a non-conformist (when convenient), I see that my life pattern does, unfortunately, include technological upgrades due to embarrassment. Not exactly stickin’ it to the man. On the bright side, the cutting board picture is from my new phone!

Realistically, I still maintain a level of desire to be hip. In fact, I recently decided that I want to acquire at least two hipster friends. I’m still researching how you know – for sure – that someone is a hipster. I want to make sure I get real ones.

In the meantime, I’ll be dorkin’ it up, like always.




2 thoughts on “Dorkin’ It Up”

  1. hmm…I am obviously not a hipster -since you haven’t found one yet, it must not be me. Oh well, i’d rather be a dork and your friend than a hipster who hasn’t met you yet. Miss you, my friend!

    1. Don’t quote me on this, but I think, at least for guy hipsters, you have to wear skinny jeans that are a little bit short. So, first of all…skinny jean? I wish. And a little bit short? That sounds like extra leg shaving. Again, I’m not sure of the rules so maybe those pants don’t apply to female hipsters. Until I find the real, official list of hipster qualifications, let’s just plan on staying dorks. We can always adjust the plan later. Smiley face. (I don’t think there’s a way to do emojis on here.) Miss you, too! Great to hear from you!

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